Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Easter Mercy

I don’t usually share my poems. I am not a poet. What I am is a lover of words. Poetry is a great medium for emotional parts of life, imagery that cannot hold verbose language or an intense framework of dialogue.

As we head into Easter, let’s share the story of Christ’s sacrifice. And remember all Jesus did to redeem us from the bondage of sin.

Ragged Cross
Come to the cross.
Kneel at its rugged base.
Stretch out your hands,
Feel its ragged edges.
This cross is for you.
Upon it Christ died.
His blood flowed,
Dripping endless mercy
And redemption for all.
Now share God’s grace,
Tell all about His sacrifice.
Then live its mighty message.
Grace, mercy, and eternity.

Power of His Love
Love so divine,
Shed for you and me.
Love changing power,
Transforming and cleansing.
Power of the cross.
Power of salvation.
Given for us to receive.

How Can This Be?
Jesus hung on a cross of suffering and shame.
Punishment for criminals, enemies of the state.
How can this be?
A man of honor, love, grace, and mercy.
Humble, sin-less, son, brother, and friend.
How can this be?
An ancient plan, devised in holy whispers,
Prophesied throughout the ages to fruition.
How can this be?
God took something horrific and cruel and
Turned it into something beautiful and holy.
How can this be?
How can we look upon that rugged cross
and see redemption and mercy?
How can this be?
This is what God does.
That’s the love of the Father.
He can change a thunderstorm into a rainbow.
He can take the cross and place His son on it,
Giving the ultimate gift to believers,
Offering His Son as a sacrifice to save mankind,
To defeat Satan and bring victory to death.
If God can do all this for you and me,
He will do exceedingly more.
This is the glory of God.
This is what He does.

With a deeply grateful heart, I thank you, Father, for Your sacrifice upon the cross. Your blood cleansed my sin and made me worthy of forgiveness. Let me always remember the price you paid because of Your great love.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Happy Easter! God bless you,


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for visiting the blog. Yes, AMEN! Have a wonderful time celebrating all Christ has done for us. Blessings, Angela

  2. Well done! You are a good & faithful servent! Blessings for a Happy Easter,dearest Angela! Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Kathleen!!! Our Lord is risen! It is hard to think/conceive all He has done for us, isn't it? I always get overwhelmed when I think of His great sacrifice, but He thought I was worth it. I'm humbled to the core. Love you! Happy Easter! Angela
