Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Truth on Trial

Jesus stated plainly that He had come into the world “to testify to the truth” (John 18:37). For Christians truth is not elusive. Truth is grounded on Biblical principles. Knowing the truth affects one’s concept of faith. Do you really believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God? 

“Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation” (Psalm 25:15).
Everywhere I turn people are debating the truth about everything. There seems to be no real standards on truth. We are filled to the marrow with half-lies, white-lies, half-truths, broken promises, fabrications, bold-faced lies, exaggerations, fake news, and deceptions. That’s just a few techniques we have for altering the truth. 
Maybe nothing is real anymore. We’ve thrown character, integrity, and honor out the door. Is truth following the same pattern?
Rather than strain to find truth in a lie, why not find truth that is solid, truth that cannot be altered. It’s found in the Bible. 
When Jesus came into the world, His mission was to teach the truth to men who had altered the truth, defiling the name of God, His promises, and His ten commandments or moral laws. 
When my five-year-old granddaughter got miffed at her mother for challenging her words, she fumbled, twisted around, and finally blurted out, “I make the truth!” I just happened to have my phone in my hand when the conversation started and was able to catch her in action. 

For a few minutes, it was funny. Then the reality hit me. Everyone wants to make the truth easy and palatable for them, and they don’t seem to care if it’s right for anyone else. Children are having a hard time deciphering what is truth from a shallow-lie, a pocketed-lie. Forgive me, adults are struggling with deception and subterfuge. What’s happening to us?
Truth is on trial again. It’s nothing new. Truth (Christ) was on trial with Pilot. How many stood by and watched an innocent man spat on, scourged, beaten, stripped, and hung on a cross? Are we standing by and watching while people tear God’s Word apart? 
Repeating illogical tunes and confidently elaborating on them carves lies into the very fabric of who we are. Satan would like nothing better than to blind and beguile Christians. He wants to disturb the mind, deceive the heart, and defeat those who belong to Christ. 
I want Wonder Woman’s lariat of truth to bind around our people, so when we lie it tightens and hurts. I bet after a few burn marks as evidence of our recalcitrant nature, we would stop before lying. 
I may not have a lariat of truth, but I have the truth of God’s Word. I’m going to gird on the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. 
Then stand firm and tall, knowing God will win the battle against the assault on His Word. Prepare for the triumphal victory, knowing God’s Word will prepare your heart, mind, and soul against cultural and worldview lies.
My prayer for you and me is a song by Micah Tyler. 
God bless you, Angela

I don’t wanna hear anymore, teach me to listen.
I don’t wanna see anymore, give me a vision.
Then you could move this heart, to be set apart.
I don’t need to recognize, the man in the mirror,
And I don’t wanna trade Your plan, for something familiar.
I can’t waste a day; I can’t stay the same.
I wanna be different.
I wanna be changed.
‘Til all of me is gone,
And all that remains
Is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there’s something different
So come and be different.
In me.
And I don’t wanna spend my life stuck in a pattern.
And I don’t wanna gain this world but lose what matters,
And so I’m giving up, everything because
I wanna be different.


  1. Outstanding "food for thought" and
    we need to put it into action! The Truth of God's Word is Jesus Christ ~ Our Lord & Saviour! Thank you, Angela!

    1. Truth used to be sacred. Seeing our culture change so drastically is scalding to a believer. I pray God gives me the opportunity to show truth in everything I do. I pray others are doing it now. Thank you for dropping by and reading the post. God bless you, Angela

  2. Thank you so much dear Angela for this powerful message of TRUTH! Many are turning their ears away from the truth of God's Word, taking scripture out of context and leading many astray. We need to bind ourselves to our beloved Saviour Jesus, the Word of God, fight the good fight of faith, stand firm and finish the race! Amen! God bless you sweet friend. Love & hugs.

    1. Praise God that He has offered us the Truth in His holy word. I’m so thankful that my family loves the Lord, but the tension between truth and lies is often hard to distinguish between. You truly have to get in the Word until you begin to recognize the half-truth circulating. It’s pervasive! Thank you for reading the post. Thank you for loving our Savior! Hugs, prayers, and love, Angela
