Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trusting God Through Cancer: Surviving on God's Word

Cancer touches everyone whether we like it or not. Cancer is the dreaded word. No one wants to deal with it, but we need to look it straight in the eye. Who knows if the next doctor’s appointment will verify that you or your loved one has cancer.

Ed Adams has offered us a beautiful book to examine cancer up close and personal from the stories of survivors who have found their strength and encouragement from God, faith, friends, and associates. 

A few authors revealed the words we associate with cancer: scared, shocked, and hopeless, but an overwhelming number spoke about the power of hope that poured over them while they were going through diagnosis, tests, chemo, radiation, loss of jobs, etc. The reader is given an intimate look at the heart of people going through devastating times, unknown times. And yet, each proclaimed a victory!

Paula Vera stated, “I believe God uses our prayers and the prayers of others to draw us to Himself for healing, guidance, and for everything. I praise God for His salvation, for His guidance, for His sovereignty, for His abundant love and grace for me, and for the future that I can share with Him in heaven.”
Byron Pink offered his favorite hymn. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” And this is the wonderful message Ed Adams has compiled into real-life stories to help change our minds from cancer-hopeless to cancer-hope. 

On a personal note.

I worked in Hospice for fifteen years. This book is a sparking gem, a ray of hope. It’s an excellent book to give to those who are journeying through cancer, those who are caregivers, Hospice/home health workers, and anyone who ministers to someone with cancer. 

Don’t wonder what to say to a cancer patient or their loved ones. The authors who told their stories have offered the strength and encouragement to face difficult days and the enrichment of a newfound life in Christ. At the end of each story, each author shared their favorite Bible verse that emboldened them, reminding them of God’s love, grace, and mercy. The book offers you a template to encourage and help people realize that their illness does not define who they are, only their strength and courage in faith defines who they are.

God bless you,

Trusting God Through Cancer by Ed Adams
Amazon link to book:

Ed Adams' Facebook Author page:


  1. Thank you sweet Angela for sharing your loving and comforting words and this book, which I would like to purchase. I think it's comforting to understand the journey of faith and hope in God, of those who have had to face head on this horrible disease and be able to minister to others, family, carers and friends. God bless you my beautiful friend. Love, hugs and prayers for you.

    1. Thank you for responding. Ed Adams' book touched my heart deeply. Few have escaped cancer. We all know someone who has had it or who've gone through it. It's a dark valley, but with God even the darkest times are illuminated by the blessings of God and His people. This book is a blessing that should be shared with cancer patients, caregivers, nurses, and Hospice workers. I hope you will get several to have on hand to give out to others. God bless you! Prayers, hugs, and love, Angela

  2. At 45 my son-in-law's brother has been diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4 . He has very strong faith. In fact, he is a minister. This would probably be a blessing for him. Thank you! You are such a Light in dark times! Love you! ♡ ♡ ♡

    1. I promise you this book will be a blessing. Having served in Hospice 15 years, I was so touched by the raw honesty of each writer who shared their story in real and meaningful ways. Please buy the book and read it and then give it to your son-in-law's brother. That way you can share how the book blessed you. Give it to your son-in-law, too. Keep in touch. I am praying for you! God bless you, Angela

    2. I would love to correspond with your son-in-law's brother. I am open to adding more stories to the book.
      Ed Adams (author)
